This is a very special full moon circle event ~ a super full moon, in the sign of Aquarius. This is the perfect opportunity for you to tune into your personal vision for the future, to what feels truly right within you. Aquarius is the water bearer and the sign of humanity’s evolution and flourishing, so this is the perfect opportunity to ask ourselves, what we contribute, what we love to do and share with others… and ultimately the question": “How will I serve?” When we focus our energies on making this planet a better place for all, we reap such abundant rewards: feelings of inner peace, joy, and a true sense of purpose. This is what we came here for fellow soul travellers! So this full moon celebration is about letting go of the thoughts and beliefs which inhibit our personal flourishing, in order to go out in sovereignty and divine service!
JOIN US! For this momentous and beautiful sacred ceremony, complete with all the divine MYSHA practices of meditation, sacred flow movement, pranayama, mantra,, sound healing, art therapy, wisdom sharing and delicious tea & treats. Energy exchange is $33, booking is essential.