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Autumnal Equinox

This year’s autumnal equinox falls on a Monday evening for us in the Southern Hemisphere. This means our celebration will coincide with our usual Monday evening online group from 7pm, via zoom.

Join us for a beautiful evening of togetherness as we explore this landmark event, the point of equal distance between the summer and winter solstices. It is one of only two days in the whole year when the daylight and night time hours are in perfect balance; an opportune time to explore our imbalances and to ask what is needed to restore harmony in our lives. Now is a wonderful time to honour the light and the dark, whatever that means to you and where you find yourself.

It’s also the time of year where the shadows are leaning longer as the days begin to shorten and approach the winter, the seasonal time for going within. This Autumn let us set intention to reflect on the summer, to give thanks for the learnings and to harvest the lessons on the path.

Save your place

19 March

Healing Group

16 May

Full Moon