This week we mark Earth Day and this year the theme is “Our Power, Our Planet”.
Here at MYSHA, we are continually renewing our devotion to living our lives in a more fully present way.
Our practice together affords us a heightened shared sense of connection to life within our beautiful planet and the greater cosmos. We do not see ourselves as separate beings walking upon the earth, but as fully participating within a vast web of energy, air and constant flux. As Nature’s seasons change so do we. As She grows and develops and dies and renews, we follow the same track.
This event calls those who feel the connection and would like to deepen it in the company of others. Together we will meditate, move our bodies, sing, make art, perform a ceremony of the four elements and create a circle of reverence and healing for Gaia and all those who live within her exquisite aura of oneness.
Energy exchange is $33. Includes teas and healthy treats. Your booking is essential.